The Economics of Profit-Cap Policy: Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Duopoly Rule (with Kaushik Basu and Pengfei Zhang)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 215 (2023) 120–133. [Accepted Manuscript]
Decentralized Attack Search and the Design of Bug Bounty Schemes (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)
Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, SAGT 2023, published as a one-page abstract. [Accepted Manuscript]
Volatility and Resilience of Democratic Public-good Provision (with Hans Gersbach and Giovanni Valvassori Bolgè)
[CESifo Working Paper No. 11004]
R&R - International Economic Review
Crowdsearch (with Hans Gersbach and Akaki Mamageishvili)
[CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18529]
Artificial Bugs for Bug Bounty (with Hans Gersbach and Pio Blieske)
[CEPR Discussion Paper No. 19047]
Media Coverage: VoxEU
[GPI Working Paper No. 6 - 2022]
ECCP 2021 Best Paper Prize, Global Priorities Institute, University of Oxford
Who Goes First? Order and Incentives in Sequential Exploration - draft available upon request
Equilibrium and Sequential Structure in a Contribution Game - draft available upon request
An Analysis of Blockchain Governance via Political Economics (with Barton E. Lee, Daniel J. Moroz, and David C. Parkes)
Discriminatory vs Non-Discriminatory Subsidies (with Hans Gersbach)
Collective Action and Informational Freeriding